Life After TREB: the Outer Limits 

Oct. 23, 2018
Toronto ON

The CBA Competition Law Section presents:

Life After TREB: the Outer Limits

October 23, 2018 | 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM Eastern
Attend In-Person or by Teleconference

In Person: McCarthy Tétrault LLP, 66 Wellington Street West, Suite 5300, Toronto ON

In-Person lunch starts at 12:00 PM Eastern
Teleconference program starts at 12:30 PM Eastern

Please note: Registration to attend in-person is now sold out.

Now that the application for leave has been denied, TREB stands as good law for abuse of dominance cases going forward, greatly expanding the previously-understood scope of s. 79. This panel will assess the boundaries of the abuse of dominance provision as it currently stands, including:

  • How far has TREB stretched the concept of a “competitor” for the purposes of section 79(1)(b)?
  • What are the implications for so-called “joint” dominance cases?
  • How will the Bureau enforce s.79 and what insight can be gleaned from the Bureau’s post TREB enforcement actions?
  • How does Canada stack up against foreign jurisdictions on this issue?


Stéphanie St-Jean, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Emrys Davis, Bennett Jones LLP
Mike Hollingworth, Competition Bureau



    October 23, 2018
    12:00 PM - 1:30 PM (Eastern)

    In-person or teleconference

    Instructions will be sent via email the day prior to the event.

    McCarthy Tétrault LLP
    66 Wellington Street West
    Suite 5300
    Toronto ON

    Free for CBA Competition Law Section members and members of the Competition Bureau.

    Competition Bureau Members, please email the Competition Bureau Learning Unit at to REGISTER for this event.



Lauren Essiambre
CBA National Office 
1-800-267-8860 | 613-237-2925 ext. 146