The CBA Competition Law Section's Reviewable Matters/Unilateral Conduct Committee presents:
Antitrust Tips for In-House Counsel: Perspectives from the Private Bar, Competition Bureau, and Corporate Counsel
November 27, 2018 | 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM Eastern
Competition law is an important area of practice that can go overlooked by in-house counsel. Canada’s competition laws can have serious effects on businesses and their employees, including the potential for $15 million fines, 14 year prison terms, lengthy and costly investigations, class actions, and the ability to raise significant issues in the M&A context. This program is designed to provide in-house counsel with an introduction to Canadian competition laws along with a high-level toolkit to assist in identifying potential issues and the understanding of when to approach external counsel. Various areas of Canadian competition law will be discussed, including: price fixing; merger review; abuse of dominance; bid rigging; illegal marketing practices; and the role of an effective compliance program.
Neil Morgan, Legal Counsel – ATS Automation Tooling Systems Inc.
Denes Rothschild, Partner – Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Zirjan Derwa, Senior Associate – Torys LLP
Terence Stechysin, A/Compliance Director – Canadian Competition Bureau