CBA Administrative Law, Labour and Employment Law Conference 

Nov. 16-17, 2018
Ottawa ON


The annual joint conference of the CBA Administrative Law Section and Labour & Employment Law Section offers participants a solid grounding in the latest developments affecting their clients and practices, as well as networking opportunities with colleagues from around the country.

Expert panelists include judges, academics, counsel who serve on or appear before government agencies in all areas of administrative law, and lawyers with expertise in the representation of employers, employees and unions.


On-line registration is now open. Simply click on the REGISTER NOW button located on the right-hand side of your screen. If you do not wish to proceed with on-line registration you can print, complete and send (by fax or mail) the PDF Registration Form.

There will be a 20% administrative charge for any cancellation received in writing prior to October 15, 2018. No refund will be given after October 15, 2018. There will be no refunds for “no-show” registrants. 

Conference Rates

$665.00 + taxes: CBA Members Early Bird Rate (Register by Friday September 28)
$599.00 + taxes: CBA Young Lawyers Early Bird Rate (Register by Friday September 28)

$730.00 + taxes: CBA Members
$658.00 + taxes: CBA Young Lawyers
$395.00 + taxes: CBA Student Members
$862.00 + taxes: Government Registrants
$908.00 + taxes: Non-Members

Meeting Venue and Accommodations

Shaw Centre
55 Colonel By Dr.
Ottawa, ON
K1N 9J2

Westin Ottawa (Connected to the Shaw Centre)
11 Colonel By Dr.
Ottawa, ON
K1N 9H4







    Thank you to our Sponsors:




Angelie Glichrist Blanchard
CBA National Office 
(613) 237-2925 
ext. 149