Notice of Meeting - Civil Litigation Section (South)
December 12, 2108 @ 12:00 Noon
Canadian Bar Association
710, 777 - 8 Avenue SW
Calgary AB
Speaker(s): Adrienne Wong - Rose LLP
Jordan Milne, Partner - Rose LLP
Crystal O'Donnell, CEO and Senior Counsel - Heuristica Discovery Counsel
Deanna Steblyk, Senior Special Counsel to the Vice Chairs - Alberta Securities Commission
Topic: Disclosure obligations and their implications in securities enforcement context from the perspective of regulators, respondents and third party discovery and evidence management firms
Cost: Full Section Members - No charge
Materials Only & Non-Section Members* - $25.00
(Includes GST. R#100760487) Payment can be made by cheque, Visa or Mastercard.
To RSVP, click on the REGISTER NOW link above (top right of page).
RSVP's must be received at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
*Materials only or non-section members who confirm and do not attend will still be charged the fee. Section memberships are individual memberships and are not transferable nor are substitutions permitted at meetings. You must be a current National CBA member in order to attend.