Business and Personal Injury Loss Claims – an Accountant’s perspective 

Apr. 17, 2025
Calgary AB

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CBA Alberta Section

Business and Personal Injury Loss Claims – an Accountant’s Perspective

Presented by the CBA Alberta Insurance Law South Section

Mr. Hemens will discuss his thoughts on the preparation of income loss claim for individuals  and business owners from and accountants perspective – the a primary focus on business owners and or professionals. Topic will include the importance of requesting relevant information to our analysis. and provide sample questions to ask that will assist in calculating the past and future income loss claim.  He will provide checklist  Most Economists stay within their comfort zone by relying only on Census data when preparing their report and do not spend sufficient time on reviewing the documents that that have been produced that sometime provides important information that can significantly affect their calculations.


Shawn Hemens, CA, CPA, CBV (Hemens Financial Litigation Support Services)


Date: Thursday, April 17, 2025
Time: 12:00 Noon (MT)
Location: CBA Alberta Calgary office
710 First Alberta Place | 777 - 8 Avenue SW, Calgary


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Full Subscribers: No charge | Webcast subscribers: $30.00 | On-Demand Subscribers: $30.00 | Non-Section Subscribers: $30.00 | CBA Law Student Members: No charge
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RSVP Deadline - Due to higher food costs, we cannot accommodate drop-ins this year. If you have not registered for the in-person event by the RSVP deadline indicated above and would still like to attend the event, you are welcome to register by webcast or watch the recording on demand once it is available

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    RSVP BY APR 15

    12:00pm (MT)


    Full Subscribers: No charge
    Webcast Subscribers: $30.00
    On-Demand Subscribers: $30.00
    Non-Section Subscribers: $30.00
    CBA Law Student Members: No charge

    *All prices subject to GST


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CBA Alberta Sections (South)