Negotiation Nightmares: Real-Time Solutions to the Latest Contracting Quandaries  

Feb. 12, 2024
South Online

CBA Alberta Sections

Negotiation Nightmares:  Real-Time Solutions to the Latest Contracting Quandaries

Presented by the CBA Alberta Construction Law South Section

On Demand. Originally presented on February 12, 2024.

The negotiation of design and construction contracts is not a static enterprise.  Legislative changes, unexpected risks, new contracting approaches, global pandemics, international conflicts and rapid shifts between owner-friendly and contractor-friendly market outlooks can combine to make past positions obsolete and new negotiating complexities an unavoidable reality.  This session will explore some of the most significant recent changes to the negotiating terrain in Alberta and review how owners and contractors can seek to protect their interests while still working toward a successfully finalized contract.  (Loosely) based on a true negotiation story…


Peter Vetsch (Partner, Rose LLP)  
Bill Woodhead (Partner, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP)


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CBA Alberta Sections (South)