2023 Case Law Update  

Feb. 26, 2024
South Online

CBA Alberta Sections

2023 Case Law Update

Presented by the CBA Alberta Aboriginal Law South Section

On Demand. Originally presented on February 26, 2024.

This presentation will summarize key decisions and legislative developments in Indigenous law over 2022 and 2023. The field of Indigenous law has seen significant changes and developments over the preceding decade. The past two years continued this trend. Areas covered will include: evolution in the framework for recognizing and assessing breaches of  Section 35 Treaty and Indigenous rights; the application of limitations defences to Section 35 rights; changes in the duty to consult and decision-making in respect of natural resource development; injunctions involving Indigenous litigants; the rights of private companies when projects are not approved after consultation with Indigenous groups; and various procedural developments that may affect Indigenous law litigation.


Ian Wylie (Associate, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP)
Miranda Sharpe (Associate, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP)


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    Non-Section Subscribers: $15.00
    CBA Law Student Members: No charge

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CBA Alberta Sections (South)