Views from the Bench: 4.31 and 4.33 Applications
Join Court of Appeal Justice K.P. Feehan & Applications Judge B. Summer as they provide their views and recent insights on the nuances and developments with respect to the drop dead (4.33) and long delay (4.31) rules.
Hi Young Lawyers Section Members!
The Young Lawyers Section Executive is very excited that for the 2022- 2023 CBA season, we could bring back some of our meetings to you all in person.
For our April 17 meeting from Noon to 1 pm, we really want to encourage all our members to attend the session in person. We are very excited to have Justice Feehan and Applications Judge Summers as presenters for this meeting to discuss the topic “Views from the Bench: 4.31 and 4.33 Applications”.
We are incredibly lucky to have our guest speakers agree to take time out of their schedules to come down to the CBA office to speak. We would love to show them all the support we can by having as many of our section members as possible show up in person. It is also a great excuse to get out of the office for a bit and socialize with your peers again.
Justice K.P. Feehan (Court of Appeal of Alberta)
Applications Judge B. Summers (Court of King's Bench)
On-demand. Originally presented on Monday, April 17, 2023.
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