Understanding the Alberta Securities Commission Whistleblower Program and How Lawyers Can Assist
On Demand. Originally presented on November 15, 2023.
This presentation will provide an overview of the Alberta Securities Commission (ASC) Whistleblower Program and in particular, explain the definition of a whistleblower under the Alberta Securities Act; the role of whistleblowers in detecting and combating securities fraud and misconduct; the legal protections available to whistleblowers including anti-reprisal provisions; eligibility of whistleblowers for credit for exemplary cooperation; ethical and public interest motivations for being a whistleblower as well as how lawyers can participate in the whistleblower process. While this presentation will be mostly of relevance and interest to lawyers who practice in the securities, employment, and administrative law areas, lawyers who practice in other areas may also find it informative.
Cynthia Campbell (Director of Enforcement, Alberta Securities Commission)
Solomon Ngoladi (Whistleblower Officer)
Consider including this learning activity in the annual Continuing Professional Development Plan that you submit to the Law Society of Alberta. The knowledge and skills in this learning activity relate to well-being, which is one of nine domains included in the Law Society of Alberta’s Professional Development Profile for Alberta Lawyers.
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