Alternative Dispute Resolution | South Video 

Nov. 2, 2022
Calgary Online

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Speed It Up: Novel ADR Solutions

This presentation will focus on new and novel ADR steps that can help speed up litigation including arbitrating special applications (of all sorts), mediating within a CCAA receivership, novel solutions for employment disputes, and case management arbitration within litigation.


The Honourable Kristine M. Eidsvik K.C. (Retired Justice, Court of King's Bench of Alberta, KME Dispute Resolution/ Western Arbitration Chambers)
Mr. Andrew Robertson K.C. (Retired Master / Application Judge of the Court of King's Bench of Alberta, Robertson in Chambers ADR Services Ltd.)


On-demand. Originally presented on Wednesday, November 2, 2022.


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    Full Subscribers: No charge
    Webcast Subscribers: No charge
    On-Demand Subscribers: No charge
    Non-Section Subscribers: $15.00
    CBA Law Student Members: No charge

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