2019-2020 Trusts & Estates Law Litigators Passport Series (5 Programs) 

Oct. 8, 2019
Toronto ON

1.  Maximizing the Expert Witness in Estate Litigation
Date: Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Professionalism Hours: This program contains 0h 30m
Substantive Hours: This program is eligible for up to 1h 00m

The OBA has been approved as an Accredited Provider of Professionalism Content by The Law Society of Ontario.

2.  The Affidavit: Rules of Evidence, Effective Drafting and Views from the Bench
Date: Thursday, December 12, 2019

Substantive Hours: This program is eligible for up to 1h 30m

3.  Navigating Current Trends in Dependants’ Support
Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Substantive Hours: This program is eligible for up to 1h 30m

4.  Dinner with Your Honourable Estates List Judges
Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Substantive Hours: This program is eligible for up to 1h 00m

5.  Mastering Appeals in Estate, Trust, Power of Attorney and Guardianship Hearings
Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Substantive Hours: This program is eligible for up to 1h 30m





Ontario Bar Association
Tele: (416) 869-1047
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E-Mail: registrations@oba.org
Web: www.oba.org