CBA Aboriginal and Environmental, Energy and Resources Law Summit - Agenda 

Apr. 18-19, 2024
Montréal QC

Live broadcast: See the table below for information on accreditation in all Canadian jurisdictions.

Recorded version: Some jurisdictions have restrictions on the number of recorded webinar hours that qualify as eligible continuing professional development (CPD) in a given reporting period or require you to view the program with another lawyer. Please contact your Law Society for further information. Manitoba lawyers, you must complete this test in order for the webinar recording to qualify as eligible CPD under the “self-study” category.


Substantive, skills and/or procedural content

Ethics, professionalism and/or practice management content


Consider including this program in your CPD Plan.

British Columbia

11.08 hours

2.91 hours


Consider including this program in your CPD Plan.

(CBA estimate: 11.08 hrs of substantive, skills or procedural content)


Consider including this program in your CPD Plan.

(CBA estimate: 2.91 hours of ethics, professionalism or practice management content)

New Brunswick

Consider including this activity as part of the Law Society of New Brunswick Mandatory Annual Professional Development Requirements.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Consider including this program in your CPD Plan.

Northwest Territories

Consider including this program in your CPD Plan.

(CBA estimate: 11.08 hours of substantive, skills or procedural content)

Consider including this program in your CPD Plan.

(CBA estimate: 2.91 hours of ethics, professionalism or practice management content)

Nova Scotia

Consider including this program in your CPD Plan.


Consider including this program in your CPD Plan.

(CBA estimate: 11.08 hours of substantive, skills or procedural content)

Consider including this program in your CPD Plan.

(CBA estimate: 2.91 hours of ethics, professionalism or practice management content)


11.08 hours

2.91 hours

Prince Edward Island

Consider including this program in your CPD Plan.

(CBA estimate: 11.08 hours of substantive, skills or procedural content)

Consider including this program in your CPD Plan.

(CBA estimate: 2.91 hours of ethics, professionalism or practice management content)


Please be advised that participants intending to fulfill the professional development requirements set by the Barreau du Québec and the Chambre des notaires du Québec should select training activities that are related to the exercise of their profession and that best suit their needs. You will be issued certification, but provider confirmation is no longer required, as it is the participant’s responsibility to self-declare training hours. The Barreau du Québec and the Chambre des notaires du Québec reserve the right to remove a training activity from a participant’s file if it does not meet the requirements of their respective regulations. For more information concerning the declaration and recognition of professional development activities, contact the appropriate professional order directly.


Consider including this program in your CPD Plan. 


Consider including this program in your CPD Plan.



    April 18-19, 2024


    Le Centre Sheraton Montréal
    1201 René-Lévesque Blvd W
    Montreal, QC H3B 2L7





    JFK Law LLP

    Olthuis Kleer Townshend LLP

    Archipel Research and Consulting


    Woodward and Company Lawyers LLP

    Juristes Power Law

    Osler Hoskin Harcourt LLP


    Burchell Wickwire Bryson LLP

    McInnes Cooper

    Willms and Shier

    Larocque Business Law

    Osgoode Hall Law School

    McCarthy Tetrault

    Ackroyd LLP

    Aldrige and Rosling

    Law Office of M.J. Carstairs, K.C. and A.J. Carstairs LLP

    Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP

    Ramboll Canada Inc.



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    Presentation materials will be displayed in the language as submitted by the speakers. 



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